A review by mejisilliterate
Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas


1. This book felt long and convoluted a lot of the time

2. Bored af with the same romance playing out over and over. It was fun when it was novel in acotar but having literally every single goddamn character in this book be falling in love with one another is like…so boring. 

3. Building on that ^, sjm writes the most amazing queer romances and doesn’t make them romances. Like girl, CMON. You’re telling me Manon and Dorian is better than her with Elide??? And I’m still pissed that nehemia and aelin was never a thing, would have made so much sense

3. Her writing was getting on my nerves. Do we really have to be repeating so many words and phrases all the time? Example sentence structure that I saw too many times: Bad—the writing was so bad. 

4. Low key feel like we’ve lost the plot with the whole wyrdmarks thing. They played such a big role in the first few books and now they are really just in the background. 

5. I also just generally dislike the magic system sjm uses. Her characters are almost always tHe MoST PoWeRFuL EVER, and supposedly have almost unending amounts of magic, yet I never feel when reading that this crazy power is actually a thing. In this book especially, we spent more time reading about how these “most powerful” people are drained after one fight with the baddies rather than actually seeing this crazy earth altering magic in action for more than a page. 

6. WTF moment when aelin said she would consider taking over the whole world so she can “end corruption”. …….girl. 

7. Sjm fucked over aedion, Dorian, and even manon’s (in the later half of the book) characters. They all felt two-dimensional, which is such a shame because they all had so much interest earlier on. Justice for Dorian, who only has two character traits: he’s a sad fuckboy, and he’s a complete pushover. 

Not my favourite book but the last one was good af and I’m already like 2500 pages deep into this series so ONWARDS!!! Huzzah