A review by sarahs_bookish_life
Break in to Murder by Michelle Dovey, Paul Moore


3.5 stars

Break in to Murder is the first book I have read by this author.

The story very much plays out like a court room drama.

When Emily hears a disturbance in her house she goes downstairs to investigate and ends up killing the intruder. The intruder turns out to be Emily's lover Michael. From this turn of event's we meet Victoria Bell who believes Emily is innocent of cold blooded murder and does everything in her power to clear Emily's name in the courts of law.

The story itself has a good strong story line, my only problem with this book was the over use of certain punctuation marks. There were so many exclamation marks and semicolon's especially at the beginning of the book that I found it distracted me as I kept over reading sentences to see if they really needed to be there. I'm in no way a grammar expert but unfortunately it did some what spoil my reading experience of this book.

There are some good strong characters in the story, mainly women such as Emily, Victoria and Tanya (Michaels wife). They all play a big part in the story and I loved the little twist at the end.

Overall Break in to Murder is a good story and would certainly read more by this author.

Many thanks to the author and The Book Club for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.