A review by imperatoryvette
Ready or Not by Meg Cabot



When I looked at the rating for this, I was setting myself up for disappointment. I had read the first book back when I was about 14 and really enjoyed it. Sure, it's over the top and very Young Adult but it's enjoyable. I think the problem most people seem to have with the book is the character talks about sex and contemplates whether she is ready for it. She ends up announcing on MTV (by accident) that her boyfriend and her had sex when they hadn't yet at that point. She gets slut shamed by the bitch girl but her older sister defends her by saying if she's calling her a slut then she should call everyone else at school a slut. Granted, this part can get pretty cheesy but I feel like it's important for teens to know that they shouldn't judge people if they have or have not had sex. This sort of reminded me of Judy Blume's Forever, another book where a teen girl decides to have sex and does her research. Judy Blume wrote Forever because her daughter told her that if there was a story where a teenage girl has sex, she often ends up being shamed, getting an STD, or pregnant. Also, the fact that it's okay for boys to have all the sex they want but oh god forbid a girl decides to have sex, she's a slut! And I like how in this they imply that it's okay if you want to wait for the right person. Heck, at the end she finds out her older sister is still a virgin and mainly because she did not feel her ex boyfriend was right for her first time. I feel like there needs to be more books like this.

I also find it hilarious that people think this is pushing an agenda when something like Twilight shoves the whole abstinence until marriage thing down your throat. Oh and don't forget that if a guy manipulates you, he's truly the one you want to go all the way with! Sure, he coerced you into marrying him so that you can have sex with him but he truly is the one.

P.S. I loved the Hellboy and Kill Bill references in this. Clearly, even the geeky girls can get laid.