A review by heamarhar
The Only One Left by Riley Sager


I am finally out of a reading slump that was caused by getting too many Libby holds at once, forgetting / being too overwhelmed to read them all in time, and having them auto-return before I finished any (see the wreckage that is my Currently Reading section — THREE books!! THREE!).

This is Riley Sager's newest and possibly most disappointing book to date. It's interesting and not a tough read, but I guessed all the big plot reveals and was bummed there was no real suspense. I thought to myself "this is very reminiscent of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" so often that I wouldn't be shocked if he had Taylor Jenkins Reid on speed dial.

I waited so long for this just to feel blah about it. I wish I enjoyed it more, but it was sadly too predictable and trope-y for me. Maybe next time, Sager.