A review by danisbooksmut
From Hell by Mallory Fox


A deliciously dark and sexy story about a serial killer and one of his survivors, who, a decade after surviving his attack, finds herself back on his radar as she becomes a vigilante, taking the lives of men who hurt and abuse women.
This was incredibly complex, and the author takes great delight in building up the characters and the world in which the story takes place. The main two characters are Jax and Laine. They attended medical school together and had the beginning of a relationship, but on the night Jax stood Laine up, she witnessed her friend be brutally murdered, she was then attacked and left for dead by a serial killer named 'The Ripper'. The story jumps between present day and flashbacks exploring both the past relationship, the night she witnessed her friend being hurt, and everything happening now as she reconnects with Jax, has a stalker, and seeks out the men who she witnessed hurt her friend that night and take her revenge. Only they all belong to a secret society, one to which Jax also belongs, which complicates things.
Jax is a very stoic character. It becomes evident as the book goes on that Jax has DID, and his two differing personalities are opposites to each other. While it's not common knowledge to Laine, it explains his hot and cold actions towards her as Jax tries to distance himself and protect her from his alter Jack, who is the epitome of darkness. Only like calls to like, and Laine's darkness enjoys both Jax and Jack even when she doesn't fully understand what's happening.
Not everything is as it seems in this story, and I loved all the twists and turns. as the truth comes to light about who the Ripper is, and it's a shock for Laine. It has the potential to destroy everything, and it very nearly does. However, their journey together to protect each other, kill together, and learn the truth gives them both the chance of closure, and I loved the ending.
Two main sideline characters help Laine; Nola and Sage. I look forward to hearing their stories in the future. If they are anything like From Hell, they are going to be brilliant.