A review by caseroo7
Make Me by Beth Kery


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Make Me is the newest serial novel from Beth Kery. There are 8 parts to this story with the first part releasing April 5, 2016 and part 8 scheduled to release May 24, 2016. I am not a fan of serial novels, but for me Beth Kery is the exception. Her stories are always so good that I know it will be worth the wait to get the whole story. Luckily I was able to read the whole story at one time, and let me tell you that it is definitely worth the read! Beth Kery never disappoints, and the Make Me serial is another fantastic read from her.

After a tragedy took her parents away from her, Harper McFadden moved from San Francisco to a small town on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Looking for peace, Harper never expected to meet the mysterious Jacob Latimer. Jacob is known for being a successful entrepreneur building his software company up from nothing, but rumors of shady business dealings have left many trying to dig deeper into his past. Jacob knows that the last person he should let near him is Harper, a journalist known for her investigative skills. Yet the connection between Harper and Jacob is more than either of them can fight and they find themselves unable to stay away from each other. But with secrets between them, can Jacob make Harper his or will the truth destroy any chance of a future together?

I really liked both Harper and Jacob. I felt the chemistry and connection between them right away, and with each new piece of information revealed I couldn't get enough of them! There was so much more to each of these characters than you see at first glance, and I really liked getting to know each of them better. Jacob was determined to make Harper his, yet he also knew that she was the one person that could expose everything he has hidden. Harper was looking for peace and healing after losing her parents, yet she was drawn to Jacob right away and couldn't fight the pull she felt to him. These two were great together, and I loved seeing how things played out for them.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one from start to finish. I am so glad that I didn't have to wait for the entire story, but let me tell you it is definitely worth it even if you do have to wait. The 8 installments are short and easy to read, and they leave you anxious for more. Jacob and Harper's story was impossible to put down, and I was intrigued right from the start. I don't want to go into details so I don't spoil the story, but I was surprised with all the twists and turns and I had to know what would happen next. Beth Kery is a fantastic writer, and this serial was filled with steam and emotion, as well as mystery and intrigue. I highly recommend this and any of Beth Kery's stories, and I already can't wait for more from her.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

***NOTE: This review is for the entire Make Me Serial from Beth Kery***