A review by stevensabby
The Man in the Rockefeller Suit: The Astonishing Rise and Spectacular Fall of a Serial Impostor by Mark Seal


Fascinating story. The story of a no-name immigrant who created and shed identities like a snake grows and sheds skin. Eventually passing himself off as a member of the Rockefeller family, the facts of the story are both unbelievable and fantastic, yet somehow believable enough to have duped hundreds of people before being caught. Including a wife of 12 years.

I loved how the structure of the book didn't follow an entirely straight thread, echoing the twists and turns his life took, and requiring a level of awareness as you read to keep your spot in the timeline straight. Much like he must have had to maintain a level of awareness in order to keep his own lies straight. It reflected his life (structurally) subtly, but kind of spectacularly.

A great, quick, highly entertaining read.