A review by reasonpassion
Soldiers of Fortune by Joshua Dalzelle


*Note: I read this at request of author to give a review and feedback*

I'll have to admit, at first I was groaning rather badly when I began the story, filled as it is with plot points from other scifi venues on tv. However, while the team created in the book is, like other reviewers have noted, reminiscent of the "A-Team," there is still enough fun to be culled from the varying perspectives brought in to make reading pleasurable even as the plot twists are rather non-intriguing. The human captain, lost as he is in a universe and crew of non-human beings, seems desperate to maintain some semblance of the earth-home he no longer has access to and this comes across in the writing. The seemingly silly human cursing and usage of culturally specific allusions serve to remind the reader of the very real angst living in such a world would bring up. That the crew attempts to mimic is endearing if a little odd at times. All in all the story moves along at a nice clip, pushed along nicely by quick dialogue, a minimum of world-building and some pretty fun action scenes. A good easy way to drift away for a few hours.