A review by lambofhisflock
The Art of Frozen 2: (Disney Frozen Art Book, Animated Movie Book) by Jessica Julius


Oh my goodness, I do love art of Disney books and this movie blew me away with its advances in animation and the art of the movie itself. The first time viewing the movie I had divided attention - the story, the characters, the music, and over and over again my mind would be distracted by the art - the new ways the characters were represented, the realism in the landscape, the details in the clothing, the new palette, the moods created, the amazing work with the elements... and I couldn't wait to go home and order this book. It SO did not disappoint. I always wish the books were longer but this one was magnificent. Lisa Keene's works were instantly recognizable to me and I thrilled with each one... but each animator was amazing as always.. in their concept art, sketches, and digital art.