A review by pickett22
100th Anniversary Special: X-Men #1 by Robin Furth


Yes, I'm actually writing a review of a single issue, one-shot, what-if style comic. Because I think it's important.
My thoughts are still forming on this baby, so bare with me.
Also, spoilers.

So Scott marries Emma. YAY!! But then she is very swiftly gotten out of the way. She's honestly like the parents in children's fiction. We need to take the voice of control and reason, the person with power, and get them out of the way as soon as possible. Often, writers like Bendis just forget that Emma is that person and write her as a stupid high school bitch. So... at least Furth didn't do that? Except she kind of did, because Emma utters her threats and then is disintegrated anyway.
WHY DOES NO ONE READ WARSONG??? AAAAARG!! Emma is powerful, people, why can't you let her be powerful?! Emma is important, she's important to a lot of characters, why is she only being written a.)in relation to Scott and b.)as replaceable?! This isn't okay! She's more than this! She is more powerful and more important than this!

So then Scott staggers around looking for Emma and trying to convince everyone that she ever existed, which is actually not hard. Yay technology.
Then in a TOTALLY original NEVER BEFORE SEEN move, Phoenix wipes out everything and puts them all back in the past where (SHOCK AND AWE) Jean is still alive and with Scott.
I'm not sure Furth knows exactly how the Phoenix force works? Jean is dead, okay. The Phoenix isn't Jean. Jean wasn't even the last one to have it. If you take into consideration all the possible futures and pasts, Jean didn't even have it the longest. Why do writers keep giving it Jean's form?
This whole "let's transform time and space" thing didn't make sense to begin with as far as Phoenix's past motivations go (although those also change depending on who's writing it, I guess), and why, why, why this obsession with Scott and Jean?
Furthermore, hello creepy as fuck! I was reading some message boards, and even some of the S/J shippers were like "sounds more like Jean's heart's desire to me." (Except, and I reiterate, the Phoenix is not Jean!) How can Scott know his heart's desire if you give him no option? If you make him forget he ever loved someone else? He just spent an entire comic running around yelling, "No, Jean is dead, I want Emma!" and then you end it like that? I don't even know what to say... Stockholm syndrome, maybe? It was creepy. And the problem is it ended with the phrase "sometimes we get lucky" in a Scott-thought bubble.
So did he, or did he not forget? Phoenix told him he would, but it doesn't seem that way. And if he didn't forget, does that mean he's actually happier knowing that Emma was put in a refrigerator (let's not forget, he just married her, people! He does love this woman), everyone was mind-wiped, whole lifetimes were erased, and by the way, THAT'S NOT JEAN?!

I don't know what they are smoking down at X-Men writing headquarters these days, I really don't. Why, Marvel?! Why?!

ALSO! We've seen this plot already. Just because this time it's Scott and not-Jean and last time it was Logan and not-Jean doesn't make it new. And it wasn't even new then. Why do we always have end up back in the white-hot-room-of-power with Phoenix-in-Jean's-form, and men falling at her feet?

I was disappointed.
I shouldn't have been.
There hasn't been good X-Men in a really long time, so I shouldn't have expected anything from this. But I thought, Emma! Written by a woman! More importantly, written by Not-Bendis! And I got excited.
Lesson learned.