A review by doctorwoofwoof
DC Comics Novels - Batman: The Court of Owls: An Original Prose Novel by Greg Cox by Greg Cox


I'm going to be upfront here. When I saw this available as an ebook for my Kindle, I was like "Hmmmm..", but then I was thinking "Greg Cox is quite good, but did I really want to read a prose adaptation of Snyder's Court of Owls story from BATMAN?". Reading users' reviews on here told me that it was not an adaptation, but an original tale involving Bats and yet another confrontation involving the Court of Owls. So, yup, I was sold on that point alone!


Cox does a brilliant job with Batman! Seriously, I wish he had been writing BATMAN instead of Tom King! The characterization is one that shows us the "I'm Batman!" version, as well as allowing us to see a side of him not always presented well in the comics of late: he has a human side, but he also has a dedication to see cases/mysteries through to the end, as it is what he feels he has to do for the city of Gotham, as well as her citizens. The great thing with the way Cox presented both sides was balanced, neither too much of one or the other.

I also quite liked how Cox returned to the Court of Owl's previous "lair", the one with that marbleized labyrinth and that huge marble owl statue in its center. Reading throughout, it really seemed as if Cox had spent more than enough time reading the source material, taking all of it in, and then presenting his addition to Batman's dealings with the Court of Owls. So, so brilliant!

And, while she was not in it as much as Bats, the little bit that Batgirl/Barbara Gordon appeared was spot on. Her dialogue interactions with Bats are tense, in relation to the case, as well as fun and playful, when the situation called for it. Again, just as his treatment of Batman's character, Cox presents us with a balanced Barbara Gordon, making her inclusion a welcome treat!

As much as I loved seeing both Bats and Barbara, I was equally invested in the supporting characters. No one felt like cardboard or trope-ish. Everyone had roles to play within the story, and the roles were played well and memorable, even after the book was finished! Definitely well appreciated of all the effort invested in both the main characters, as well as the not-so-main folks!

I don't know that this would be considered canonical as far as Batman and the Court of Owls, but it should be! The story flows well, offering an edgy, exciting adventure that succeeds in being memorable as well as being taken as canonical! Good stuff, folks, and one not to be missed! Unless, of course, you don't like Batman, and then, well, it would just be a lot of suck! Just sayin'..