A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Doctor Mirage by Magdalene Visaggio


I received a copy of Doctor Mirage through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Valiant has once again given the lovely Doctor Mirage her own solo series. Honestly, I couldn’t have been more excited about this news, as she’s one of my favorite characters to come from that corner of the market (which is saying something, since I also adore Faith).
Doctor Mirage, aka Shan Fong, has always had the most unusual talent – the ability to see ghosts. Her story is more heartbreaking and endearing than most, for this gift allows her to see the ghost of her husband.
Now she’s back, but she’s dealing with a problem she never imagined possible; she can no longer see the dead. Her husband included. Now she’s on a quest, though it does not end up being the one she expected to find herself on.

Can I just say that I loved everything about this volume? Perhaps my only complaint of the series is that it ended. I would have loved to see more than five issues, but I’ll acknowledge that the story they wanted was told, so there was no need to go on.
Magdalene Visaggio took up the writing for this volume, and holy cats. I’ve always found Mirage’s tale to be emotionally compelling – kind of hard not to. But Viasaggio brought that to all-new heights.
The fluctuation between past and present was used to great effect in this volume. It kept the intrigue up, while feeding us answers. Given how badly I was craving those very answers; I couldn’t read it fast enough.
There was something very haunting and beautiful about Doctor Mirage. Though perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised, as I’ve always felt that way. I do love how they altered and progressed her character and arc, and I am looking forward to seeing what will happen next.

The artwork behind Doctor Mirage is psychedelic and brilliant. We’re talking vibrant colors and ethereal concepts come to life in a visual explosion. I’ve never seen anything quite like it, and sometimes it feels like I never will again.
Nick Robles was the leading artist for this project, and thus they deserve a lot of credit for much of the wow factor from this volume. Their artwork perfectly supported the emotions and creative writing of Visaggio in fantastic ways. I honestly don’t think that it would have been the same without them.

I’m so sad to be done with Doctor Mirage, though happy that they left a promise that we’ll be seeing her again. Granted, I have no idea what future changes she’ll be facing. Or when we’ll see her next. I’m content to accept that promise, however. All while looking forward to that moment.