A review by krdegan
The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon


Written from my phone. Contains spoilers so don't read unless spoilers don't matter to you. I tried to set it so they won't show but I don't know if it worked.

At this point Jamie and Claire seem like actual people to me...I've spent such a large part of this year getting to know them through this Outlander series that time travel somehow doesn't seem so implausible anymore.

I liked this book even though not much happens. I'm still not a fan of Roger. Brianna's character is somehow underdeveloped, and I wish she figured more prominently. I am still waiting for Geilie's prophesy about Jaime's spawn to turn into something. (Will it be Jemmie or William?) There were fewer loose ends in this book than the others, and a few of the others got wrapped up, which was nice. But it does seem like characters are sometimes introduced to bring a certain level of intrigue or suspense (the slave healer, Lord John and William with smallpox, Ian and the Mohawk and his life there, etc.), and then just dropped unceremoniously with loose ends dangling.

Still, these books are a great escape and I do enjoy envisioning the 18th century through Gabaldon's eyes.