A review by booking_along
Is This a Dagger Which I See Before Me? by William Shakespeare


i love shakespeare and his quick wit and funny remarks on either human nature or society.

but i didn’t really understand this collection of little snippets of his different works?
i read all how his plays and i think most of what is in this book is also in the plays (it’s been a while so don’t quote me on it but i didn’t think anything new or unprinted was added here?) so what is the purpose of this little collection of random snippets of his plays?

And its not as if they were all little sections of different plays handling one topic. That i would have understood. If the theme of the entire book -for example- would have been dagger? Great! Shakespeare loved his daggers! so add sections of his plays and other writings where he talkes about those.
But if i wasn't completely out of it (again can't guarantee that either since i am currently suffering from a migraine that keeps me pretty well occupied and will. just. not. leave! so my brain power is not has its all time high!) this booklet didn't feature most of his dagger scenes at all...

So what was the purpose if it?

Because if you never read shakespeare before this, i am sure, this will only confuse you because you don’t have any real background to any of what is going on or who those people are or what they are doing... so clearly its not an introductionary book to the works and plays of his.

But also if you read all of his thing and love him... this adds nothing you don't already know or can reread in your favourites of his?

i am confused!

all in all through it’s shakespeare so i am not complaining, just puzzled.

if you love him and want a pocket sized, transportable little mini booklet with a mixture of snippets? this is great!

if you are not a “carry shakespeare EVERYWHERE” type? not sure what you could do with this honestly!