A review by tx2its
Fights: One Boy's Triumph Over Violence by Joel Christian Gill


Reading 2023
Book 218: Fights: One Boy's Triumph Over Violence by Joel Christian Gill

A graphic memoir for #nonfictionnovember. I stocked up on a bunch of nonfiction GNs. This one is reviewed for high school readers. Also nominated for several awards for best graphic novel in 2021.

Synopsis: Fights is the visceral and deeply affecting memoir of artist/author Joel Christian Gill, chronicling his youth and coming of age as a Black child in a chaotic landscape of rough city streets and foreboding backwoods.

Review: This book is raw. Joel goes through so many trials in his young life. There are some places where he uses humor to protect himself from the horrors that awaited him around corners. Definitely recommend this book. My rating 4.5⭐️.