A review by sofer_mahir
After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters by N.T. Wright


If I could put this book in the hand of every modern (or post-modern) Christian (along with the will to read it), I absolutely would.

I don't think I've whole-heartedly agreed with NT Wright as much as I have here. So much of what he has to say here is, I think, massively important to the circumstances of contemporary Christianity: Why we ought to develop ethical character, how we do it (in a general sense; he isn't trying to write rules), and why it HAS to be done in community rather than individually.

Stylistically, it can get repetitive. Not in a way that bothered me -- it came across like the repetition utilized by a public speaker who wants to make sure you come away from his message remembering something. And, as usual, Wright's analogies are top-notch.