A review by emmalita
Pretty Little Lion by Suleikha Snyder


Pretty Little Lion is the second in Suleikha Snyder’s Third Shift series. Do not start here. If you haven’t read Big Bad Wolf, that’s the place to start.

Elijah Richter, one of the co-founders of Third Shift, is undercover as security at a party hosted by bad guy of the book, Mirko, with the mission to seduce Mirko’s girlfriend and pump her for information. Mirko’s girlfriend, Meghna Saxon-Saunders, is an agent with her own agenda, and she might honeypot Elijah before he can honeypot her. Meghna and Elijah are apex predators coming together.

Elijah and Meghna aren’t the only romance going on in the book. The throuple of Grace, Finian, and Nate that started in Big Bad Wolf comes together here. Another romance is teased and I’m looking forward to seeing where Snyder takes it in the third book. I have to admit I wanted more time with Grace, Finian, and Nate. If Snyder is taking bonus episode requests, I would read about those three inventorying their pantry (and I’m pretty sure Finian would tease the other two into engaging in pantry sexy times). Yes, I’m positively reviewing a thing that may not have been thought about yet.

One of the hallmarks of a Snyder romance is people building space for themselves to love as they will in a hard world. Elijah is all in on Meghna from their first closet tryst. While Meghna works for a loosely affiliated group, she’s mostly on her own. Elijah already has a community and found family. He wants Meghna in his life, and also for her to become part of his community. Like Big Bad Wolf‘s Joe, Meghna has to decide whether she is stronger and safer with a team or on her own. More fundamentally, will she accept that she deserves Elijah’s love and support? Snyder’s characters aren’t just making the world a better place by loving each other, they are making the world a better place for other people to love and to build communities.

I love this series and hope we see more of anything Suleikha Snyder chooses to write.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the advance reader copy. I reviewed this voluntarily.