A review by devansbooklife
Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen


This book is a crazy emotional roller coaster ride. It's deeply depressing but eye opening. This book makes you feel and want to be numb all at once. It's tragic and harsh. It makes you feel like grabbing your loved ones and making sure they understand their meaning in your world.
Your introduced to Nova, a sweet passive girl who is lost in her best friend/boyfriend/boy next door. Lost in his memory, lost in what she believed they had, lost in reality. She is simply floating along. Not really feeling, doing, or living.
You meet Quinton who after one terrible decision and tragic accident, cannot deal with the guilt of his actions. He is dead. Or rather a walking corpse. Lost in the haze of numbness only drugs and alcohol can give.
Until they find each other. As they begin to thaw from their retrospective numbness will they be able to cope? Can either of them move on from the past? Can they even feel anymore?
This book is deep. And it is real. So many people deal with this challenges daily. Life is hard. And not everyone learns/finds a healthy way to cope. Some people just want to get lost. I enjoyed this book even if it drug my heart through hell.