A review by heyjudy
Grace by Elizabeth Scott



This was a really fast, very interesting, read. I was surprised, and I liked it.

This is a really small book, with large spacing, so it went by in, like, two hours. But it was still a really interesting, deep read. I knew what it was about going in, but I was still surprised. Maybe that’s because I don’t read a lot of books on this topic, or even close to it, but still.

Grace’s journey was really interesting. It’s sad, and kind of frustrating, the traditions of where she lives. It’s hard to imagine, and it just seems hard.

This book was very deep, given what Grace has gone through, and what she has decided to do. On her journey to escape, she meets a guy close to her in age, Kerr. His story was also really interesting to read about, and really horrible. It was all kind of horrible, though.

Despite the possible hint of romance in the synopsis, there isn’t any in this book. Her and Kerr, instead, talk. They find out about each other, and talk about what they’ve done and what’s happened to them, even if they’re reluctant and in hiding. And I’m glad that it wasn’t a romance, because I think it worked out better this way. Them just forming a kind-of, maybe bond, I think, worked better for them.

I was surprised by this book, but I really liked it. It was deep and kind of beautiful, but also really sad. It’s definitely worth picking up.

[Read more at my blog, Geeky Reading!]