A review by arkron
Fearless by Allen Stroud


Human colonies on Moon, Mars, Ceres, and Europa need to be supported by the Fleet. Captain Shann and her crew patrol the space traffic to provide roadside assistance in case of emergencies. During the acceleration on the way to a freighter's distress signal, one of crew dies, and a mystery story begins: Was it an accident or murder? Soon after they arrive at the helpless freighter, they battle against a human created superior battleship. A race to the safety of nearby Mars moon Phobos starts. The crew fights not only against this exterior enemy but also against their fears, suspicions, treason, end even mutiny. 

This juicy space opera leads you breathlessly through mystery and action scenes. It is one of the highest sugar calory popcorn stories that I ever read, and I couldn't put it down. Great characterization of multiple point of views, engaging space tactics, innovative problem solving feed that special urge of SF nerds. Don't read this for relaxation but for entertainment. The tension arc holds up to the last page, and while providing a very satisfying ending it leaves enough trails for followup novels. Highly recommended.