A review by katie_83
Branches of Healing: Tales of Unsung Heroes by Lorah Jaiyn, Bella Emy, Autumn Sand, J.L. Leslie, Ava Wood, Verlene Landon, Amy Allen, Natalia Schellhaas


Branches of Healing Anthology
Contributing authors: Autumn Sand, Amy Allen, Ava Lynn Wood, Bella Emy, J.L. Leslie, Verlene Landon, Natalia Schellhaas, Lorah Jaiyne
5 stars

I was really looking forward to reading this anthology, there a couple of authors in it who I love and some new to me authors too so I was excited to read work by new people! I wasn’t disappointed at all with the stories in this anthology – they were all amazing reads. All brought out so many emotions in me as a reader and I don’t think I could pick a favourite out of them. They all had wonderful characters and storylines and it really is well worth a read and it also for charity too which makes it even more special. Each story took on a different aspect of dealing with relationships with people who serve for their country, there were times of loss, grief, emotional moments, moving on after loss and more but the thing that struck me throughout everything was that each author wrote the stories in such a beautiful and positive way. I really cannot recommend this anthology enough, not only are you getting 8 wonderful stories but helping a very worthy cause too.