A review by anasatticbookblog
Saving Dallas by Kim Jones


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I put Saving Dallas by Kim Jones on my Badass Biker list a few months ago after seeing a pretty high rating, and really...look at those abs! But I decided to read it after I found out that the fun party girl who danced the night away at Wicked Book GNO was the very same Kim Jones. If she can party that good, and keep smiling all night, I love her and want to read her book! So I asked for a copy.

And I almost DNF'd at the first few pages. Besides numerous errors right off the bat, I HATED the heroine at first. Seriously. I don't hate easily, but cheaters, liars and girls like Dallas who think they are gorgeous and hot shit really make it hard not to hate them. Since Dallas had no friends, apparently everyone else hated her too, despite her being a rich-ass real estate tycoon.
"Being five foot four with a body most people only dream of can get you a lot when it comes to men. Not to mention my long, silky brown locks, my perfect teeth, and a smile that would make the devil himself bow down."

Dallas was horny and looking for a hookup. But when a cowboy got too grabby, he was put down, and Dallas was picked up by the swoony Luke Carmical, President of the Devil's Renegade Motorcycle Club.

After a few mishaps between them, they have insta-love, which normally doesn't bother me. But here, I just didn't see the connection. Dallas immediately began to change, becoming BFFs with her assistant whom she barely talked to personally before, and suddenly realizing the bitchiness of her ways. But when you start to realize she has had a rough life, with nobody there for her (I wish we found out about her family), and she has the responsibility of being President of a huge company with offices all over, you start to cut her a little slack. She needed a man. A REAL man, who wouldn't take her shit.
"Does it turn you own (spelling incorrect in book) when people scare you Dallas?" he asked, with a look in his eyes like he was ready to kill me. My panties became soaked at the sight of him. Danger did turn me own (spelling again). It drove me crazy, and he had figured it out. "No," I lied. "I think it does. I think you like it when I become jealous and in control. Is that what you want Dallas? Control?....Answer the question, Dallas."

She needed that control. A dominant to take care of her for a change, and tell her she is being a total bitch, or at least guide her a bit.
"I could take real good care of you. You need someone to look after you Dallas-someone to hold you when you cry, someone to satisfy your needs, someone who isn't scared of a little intimidation."

Dallas knows nothing about the MC life, the CDC (Cunts Don't Count) rule isn't easy for a professional woman to accept. But she is quickly learning things a different in the MC, and she likes it. She loves the loyalty and brotherhood. She loves Luke.

But something big and bad is going on with a rival MC, and we are never privy to all of the details in this installment.

When I was finally able to overlook the huge amount of errors, and the insta-love, I really got into the book. I had to know just what was going on! I read faster and faster, stayed up into the night and picked it up first thing in the morning. And was left with NO ANSWERS. A fucking cliffhanger.

I don't mind some cliffhangers, but this one just left me with way too many unanswered questions, and pissed me off.


  • Luke Carmical and his Dominant alpha-ness (though he was a bit bipolar)

  • The side character, Red.

  • How clear it is that Dallas needed a Dominant.

  • Bikers.


  • Spelling: the most errors I have ever encountered in a book. It seemed like it was all dictated because most of the errors were incorrect word substitution.

  • I hated Dallas at first.

  • Cliffhanger left way too many questions unanswered.

  • Formatting: The book is completely double spaced.

  • Way too expensive for a debut book by an indie author that has errors and is only a part one of who knows how many.

  • The lies they both continued to tell each other, especially Dallas's lies to Luke.

  • The build up and sex talk was good, but the actually sex scenes were not fleshed out (fleshed...haha)

Rating: 3 stars, 4 heat


Flame_FOUR copy

It may sound like I should give it a lower rating, but I really wanted to know what is going on, and it did have me gripped at one point. If I had paid the current full price of $4.88 my rating may have been less, because I would have been pissed off that I forked over a hefty sum compared to most indie books (even bestsellers) and it wasn't a complete, or even edited story. But if I know the next one is professionally formatted and edited, I might be willing to read the next in the series.

The author, and this story, has great potential. I would love to see what a professional editor would do to this book.

Purchase Saving Dallas by Kim Jones


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