A review by naaytaashreads
Sarong Party Girls by Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan


As much as I want to love this book, I did not enjoy it. I mean it was an enjoyable chick lit for a quick read but the content kind off like throw me off.

As a Singaporean female, I just want to say we are nothing like any of the characters in this book so please don't stereotype that.

I was kind of excited to know that the book has a mixture of Singlish. Which Singaporeans are use to every day life (Singapore + English). There are slangs that we used that is most commonly known in Singapore.
However in this book I think the use of Singlish is just too extreme to the point where I'm like who the hell speaks like this?
That threw me off.

I did not like any of the characters. They did not have much personality or character growth. The characters are just a turn off.

It gives off such a bad potrayal of Singapore females. We are definitely not like anything in this book. I know its a work of fiction and everything but I wish the plot was more in depth of a character development.