A review by jcstokes95
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker

informative inspiring medium-paced


Priya Parker’s book is half guide, half manifesto on how you ought to be bringing folks together to create more meaning in your life. If you are a person who thinks about the death of the third place, how to get folks to stop staring at phone during dinners out, or where you should put the coats then this book is for you. Because, I’d argue, it’s kind of for everyone. Parker covers everything from the importance of venue to invite lists to kindling conversation…and also how to get people to GTFO…kindly. 

I must say, I knew this one was going to hit for me when early on, she discussed her dislike of “chill”. It hit me right in the soul, because I hate it too. The kind of affected coolness that mainly just implies to guests that you don’t care and that they can do whatever they want. Parker’s ideas may seem pushy, but I think they build connection in ways that your regular “chilled” event never could. And that is what everyone nowadays says they’re lacking. 

Connection, an antidote to our loneliness epidemic, takes effort to build. And Parker’s got a plan for how you can start in ANY kind of gathering, big or small. Plus, some fairly interesting examples from her own experience to drive her point home.