A review by the_bookbasket
Haunted by Kelley Armstrong



“Ghost hunters can be the most ingenious breed when it comes to inventing ghastly tales, but ask them to think up a name for the ghost of a woman dressed in white, and they give you “the White Lady.”

When I tell you this book had me laughing, I am not exaggerating. Armstrong just knows how to write her female characters as bad-asses. This book will forever live on my conscience and will (apart from Elena Micheals' stories) be one of my favourites.

I loved the way Armstrong incorporated true crime stories into the book, it made it a whole lot more believable - like something like this could really happen.

The writing style was easy to follow and at no point in my read did I sit there thinking "What were you actually trying to say?"

I loved every minute of this experience and can't wait to delve into the rest of the series.