A review by kricketa
Many Love: A Memoir of Polyamory and Finding Love(s) by Sophie Lucido Johnson


I am a big fan of Sophie Lucido Johnson's illustrations, writing, and substack newsletter. I do not know very much about polyamory so she seemed like a good person to learn about it from, while also learning about a human that I find wise and interesting. This memoir (yes, memoir! it's in the title!) is quite personal to her experience becoming polyamorous in the way that she chooses to be polyamorous. This might not be the way that everyone chooses to be polyamorous, which is very clearly explained in the book. While I occasionally found the timeline of the memoir ever so slightly chronologically confusing, I appreciated how well researched and cited it was, I liked the charts and illustrations, and I loved Sophie's voice and how willing she is to share her journey.