A review by kidisitor
Just a Touch by Tabatha Kiss


A light second chance romance. They were too young when they got married, and after one mistake, an annulment soon followed. Now, ten years later, they run into each other in the Vegas hotel where they met and fell in love. He's hoping the magic they once had together was still there, and she is hopeless to fight it.

This isn't too heavy of a read. Nothing overly emotional one way or the other. There is some humor, some sass, some steam. His character is a little more confident and strong, where as she is a little weary and unsure of things. He has to work hard if he wants a second chance. Both are good characters, and neither was a jerk towards the other. This side characters bring the comic relief. There is the peppy sister, the over protective father, and the ridiculously outrageous brothers.

The one negative I have, is that I would have liked to get a little more insight into the earlier days of their relationship. There was some talk here and there, but nothing that really showed how 'In Love' they were back then when they got married, all those years ago. We basically go into it just being told they were young and crazy. We don't get to see that connection for ourselves.

It's easy to read, and written well (other than what I talked about above.) There is some sexual content that would make this suitable for the 18+ crowd. It alternates between POVs.

*I volunteered to review an ARC of this book.