A review by kittyg
Too Wyrd by Sarah Buhrman


* This is one of the books I read for #SPFBO as a judge *

I wasn't sure where this book would go when I first started it, because it's quite different to a lot of things over read before. It has hints of the Dresden Files and hints of Dyrk Ashton's series too. It's a mix of urban fantasy and old Norse gods, magic, Valkyrie and more. There are battles and sigils and big deceits. There is family and feuding and policemen who don't really know what is happening.

In this book we follow Nicola. A lady who just wants to look out for her daughter and step sister and get on with her life. However, when the book starts her ex is trying to start a crazy cult and her step sis is falling for his mumbo jumbo. With a young daughter to leave behind Nicola embarks on a hero's journey she didn't sign up for to save the world and learn about her magic along the way.

I definitely think the second half of this worked better for me. That's where the action really kicks into gear and you start to learn a lot more about the world. At first you're kind of just thrown into the deep end of the world and working out what's normal and what's not. But as you get to know Nicola and the people who she's with you see more about the goings on and how she may be involved.

I do think that this one felt like a quick read once I hit the mid-point. There was a lot of action and I enjoyed the constant moving through scenes.
I would probably have liked a bit more development on the 'why' of the world being how it is and the motives of Nicola as some of the decisions she made seemed a little rash considering the situation she was in, but it was an easy book to read.

3.5*s from me and 7/10 overall for SPFBO.