A review by trisha_thomas
Adaptation by Malinda Lo


This is a mixed review.

On one hand, I applaud [a:Malinda Lo|2884780|Malinda Lo|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1241172048p2/2884780.jpg] for taking the leap and making a bi-sexual love triangle really interesting. And the struggle for Reese to sort through the confusing feelings and relationship stuff while in the middle of all this crazy turmoil was really well done. And I appreciated that greatly in a teen book..

But I felt like the story had too much going on that it didn't really get to be any kind of story fully for me.

I would have loved to really get into the bird situation. But that part seemed so glossed over.

It could have been just a story about the bi-sexual love triangle which would have been interesting and stood well on it's own with more in-depth soul searching and more dates

It could have been fully about....the sci-fi part of this book (I'm keeping spoiler free) and the government piece and the crash and the repair and all that. And THAT would have stood well on it's own.

But with all three of these story-lines, I just didn't feel like anything was fully explored, explained or fully immersed me. I didn't get enough history or world-info. I felt things were glossed over that should have been a big deal. And I felt they were glossed over because Reese was spending her time trying to understand her feelings. The black-outs and healing issues should have been alarming but instead she was getting dressed for dates...

But, I am glad I gave this a chance. It was interesting and I did appreciate the author's style.