A review by trisha_thomas
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey


"Welcome to the world of the mysterious, Jessica," A shadow crossed her face. "Please be careful there. It's very, very tricky territory. Completely untamed. The mysterious can be beautiful - and dangerous"

Yes, that's right. 5 stars!!! I see you raise your eyebrows! Please, lower those judge-y eyebrows,soften those eyes and hear me out.

Jessica. I loved that girl. Fierce, loving and so very very...stubborn. Ugh! No no, I get it. "you're a vampire princess" - who would believe any of them?? And she doesn't!!

and Lucius. Hot sexy vampire served up raw. He's nothing but sweet sweet sweet until he realizes it's futile - she's comfy in her nice little life. She won't even be nice to HIM!.

It's just Jake!!! Jake!!!! Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!!
and his kiss sounded gross. I'm just sayin'.

And, c'mon, think about it! Could you have said no to Lucius? He was a little stuck up, a little pompous, but - he's a sex god asking her out on dates and she's snubbing him. He buys her a beautiful dress, stands up to the bully AND respects her space and limited experience with him and his world. And he takes all of this in stride.

She is stubborn and fierce, I'm telling you. But he is stubborn too....

The story is compelling. Once I got 10 chapters in, there was NO putting the book down. And both of them change about 2/3 of the way in, becoming who they should always be because of each other.
I'm definitely reading all the books in this series.

And if I NEVER have to hear about FAITH *shudders* again, it will be none too soon.