A review by anthonybanthony
Destroy the Day by Brigid Kemmerer


Rating: A-
Pulled a Revenge of the Sith and made me retroactively like the previous two entries more than I previously did. I think my biggest problem with the previous entries was Tessa. I found her a little too passive and indecisive. Here, she finally steps up to become a more confident, self-reliant fighter (and also a lot less whiny). She  reaffirms her love for Corrick, and carries on the fight. I loved how Corrick and Lochlan became allies despite so much animosity between them as they struggled to get back to their homeland, and I love everything involving Harristan, as I did in previous books. The logistics of Harristan's ending were a bit confusing, and I felt the final battle with the pirate lord could've used a bit more time considering his importance to the story
(They sneak onto his ship and drop him in a few pages without any sort of stand off)
, but other than that, I was very pleased. 
Destroy the Day>Defy the Night>Defend the Dawn