A review by books_ergo_sum
The Merchant Match by Jenna Bigelow



I was not prepared for this to be a five star read. It was just a little free-with-the-newsletter novella (how complicated of a romance plot could it have?). And these characters were present in The Tribune Temptation as solidly ‘Good People’ (what interesting character flaws could we possibly see?).

But this was great! The Roman setting was excellent. Our MCs were both a bit older. Our heroine was a Freedwoman (emancipated Roman slave) and our hero was a honourable wealthy Plebeian. It was all about challenging internalized beliefs about the inequality of different classes—and it was 0% ham-fisted.

Just the right amount of emotion to balance out an otherwise sweet romance. Plus, our hero was shy about how big his 🍆 was. Love that.