A review by lunadaea
The Priestess and the Dragon by Nicolette Andrews


Oh my lordy lord. I feel so many things right now. It weird. I don’t like it.
Where the frick do I even begin? How do I start? I have no idea. Just bear with me on this one. It’s going to get weird.

Let the review commence.

Right from the very start I knew I would love this book. One freaking page!! I couldn’t believe how good this book was. There were multiple times I had to put my kindle down and just breathe. With every turning page I was dragged deeper to the point of no return. I am surprised I’m alive. I am in serious book hangover. I might be going insane.

The Priestess and the Dragon is set in the same world as Kitsune, another book I love by this author, but is set a good 500 years later. This came as a massive shock to me. From reading the summary I actually expected it to take place before Kitsune. While I was shocked, I was pleasantly shocked. This whole world is one of my favourites and I’ll be damned if you think I’m going to leave it. You can’t make me.

Our protagonist, Suzume, is one of my favourite characters of all time. She is fiery, passionate and very sarcastic. She is badass is every way. The dynamic between her and Kaito is unbelievable. It’s funny, it’s witty and I found myself laughing whenever they have one of their mini-spats. You have no idea how I felt when I was denied that freaking kiss. I am not one for romance but they are so well suited. The sexual tension was so intense. I genuinely thought that something would happen but NOPE! I was freaking denied. I’m still not over it.

Kaito the freaking Dragon. What a dick. At first. I couldn’t help but love him, even when he wanted to do less than pleasant things to Suzume. That aside, he is one of the best characters in this novel. Wr briefly meet him in Kitsune but we didn’t get to delve into his character. Turns out, he’s actually a pretty decent guy. When he’s not threatening the lives of many.
Speaking of characters… RIN IS BACK!! I literally put the book down and fangirled so hard when we came across her. But that joy was overshadowed by another feeling that I will not say because I’ll relive it and if that happens I’ll never finish this review. Anyway, I was so so so so so happy. As you know I loved Kitsune and to have Rin waltz back into my life was one of the best feelings ever.

This whole book was a new level of feelings. Oh. My. God.

Plot twists. The book was freaking full of them. And they are not the kind of plot twist that you just go “Oh. Okay then.” No! They freaking blew me away. Every time the book took a new turn and a plot twist happened I had to put the book down. I’m not even kidding. I set the kindle down on my bed, left the room and screamed. You think I’m kidding don’t you? I’m not. Ask my mum.
I lost a good couple of nights sleep because of this book. Want a piece of advice? If you think you can read just a couple of chapters before bed, don’t. Do not pick up that book. Go to sleep. Put it way out of temptations way and go the frack to sleep. I’m serious. Also, do not read in public. I still get funny looks when I go into my local Superdrug. Don’t ask.

And now we have the creatures. The Yokai in this world are ones I really do not want to encounter. I actually had a nightmare about the giant spider. I have serious arachnophobia and that spider scene did not help. While it wasn’t scary it was still quite freaky. *shivers* But despite the spider, the Yokai actually, while frightening, are quite interesting. There is a kind of hierarchy of that really intrigues me. There are a lot of lesser Yokai that we meet in this novel and I really can’t wait to see what other Yokai beings we’ll meet in future novels.

The villain, or villains, of this novel are on another level. Especially Hisato. God, is he evil? And the way he was created… Damn that was dark. I was slack jawed the entire chapter. I actually allowed my mother to read it and her face after was awesome. She had this sort of puzzled look on her face. I wish I had taken picture. Anyway, I have to say Hisato is going to be a great villain. He already is but I need more of his antics. They were dastardly, evil and I love every bit. That’s kind of wrong but I can’t help how I feel.
The ending. The freaking ending killed me. Well, technically it isn’t the ending but it’s close to the ending. The showdown was heart stopping. Every blow, every word exchange hit me hard and I held on to my seat with a white knuckle grip. I don’t want t give anything away but there was a moment where Suzume could have been a total bitch and do something very stupid. I’m not going to tell you what happens but trust me, you will be holding your breath through the whole chapter. I swear I lost my shit.

This is perhaps the longest review I’ve ever written. Totally worth every word.

Now. The very last chapter. The fact that something will happen kills me because Suzume, as much as she doesn’t want to admit it, will be heartbroken. Nicolette, I beg you. Don’t break me again. I don’t want the Kazue thing to happen and if it does I may fall into a deep dark pit of book grief and I may never return. Also, Kaito is an idiot. #Kazume (Kaito and Suzume) for the win!

There are still questions I need answers to. Like Suzume’s mother. Why did she really leave?

And who the hell is Kaito’s son? I would love it to be someone who I have previously come across and it’s someone he knows. That would be an epic twist.

I NEED ANSWERS!! Now. Seriously.

If this review hasn’t persuaded you to go and get this book, is there something wrong with you? Have I not stressed enough about how good this book is? How much more will it take?

And if I did persuade you, YAY! Comment down below and we’ll fangirl together.
We need to start a club or something. Nicolette is a fabulous author, one that is totally underrated in my opinion. She has quickly become one of my favourite authors and I seriously cannot wait for book 2 of Suzume’s adventure. Bring it on, Nicolette. I have my war paint on and I’m ready for whatever you throw at me.

Just one last thing.



Okay. I’m done. I swear.

Buy the book!