A review by chwaters
Kick-Ass 2 Prelude: Hit-Girl by Mark Millar


Well, I made the mistake of reading "Kick Ass 2" before reading "Hit-Girl". Oops. That's OK though, because I still really enjoyed both volumes. This one takes place shortly after "Kick Ass". With her father now dead, Mindy, AKA Hit-Girl, has moved in with her mother and step-father. Since only her step-father has a clue as to her secret identity, Mindy must try to keep a low profile for her mother's sake. This means going to school. Mindy, who is one of the toughest and most deadly kids on the planet, has no idea what she's up against when it comes to dealing with mean girls. Especially since she can't just beat them up. That would be bad. In the meantime, Mindy has taken it upon herself to train Kick Ass to be more...kick ass. Guess which one of these things will be a bigger challenge for Mindy.
Hilarious, action-packed and original. I love this series and cannot express how happy I am that the focus is really now primarily on Hit-Girl, who is simultaneously the cutest and most bad-ass superhero I've ever seen.