A review by sjj169
Best Kept Secret by Amy Hatvany


Cadence didn't set out to become an alcoholic. She had recently divorced Martin (a mommy's boy) and was having trouble sleeping, dealing with a young child, and struggling financially. She would just have a glass of wine at night to help her sleep. A glass of wine turned to 2 bottles of wine per night before long. She didn't see that she had a problem. One night she was out of wine and left her young son at home by himself to run and grab a bottle (I didn't like her much then) The author did not pretty up Cadence's character. She made her real. She could be you or I.
Eventually Cadence does lose control and her ex husband takes her child. She ends up in rehab and begins seeking help. The author of this book does an amazing job of taking you through the process of alcoholism's recovery. You cheer for this character and you cry with her.
If you have known someone that struggles with alcohol's grip or have been there yourself this book is amazing. Aww heck it's amazing anyways.