A review by pinknantucket
The Black Angel by John Connolly

Did not finish book.


I nearly gave up on the first page (excluding the prologue), because of this sentence: ...the boy, now a man; her daughter, as she once was and as she now might be; and the one who had made her little girl upon her, his face sometimes contorted, as it was the moment of her daughter's conception, and at other times tattered and destroyed...

I mean, WTF?? I had to read it several times (and that's just a bit of the whole sentence), eventually deducing that 'made her little girl upon her' meant 'got her pregnant'. The author uses the turn of phrase several times and it's silly.

I decided to forge on and to use this book as a study guide for all that I do not want to be, should I should ever get around to writing anything of my own. But after about 150 pages I decided I couldn't stomach any more grim tragedy and murdered junkie prostitutes and gave up. What a relief that was.

By the way, it seems like a crime thriller when you start off, strange prologue not withstanding, but turns out to have weird supernatural-biblical elements.

Seeing as it is apparently a "Number One Bestseller" I hope Connolly won't be too upset should he ever stumble across this snarky review.

PS I'm going through a phase where I'm really over books and TV shows where women that have been murdered horribly are the 'hook' to get you into the story.