A review by dani_reads12
Penalty Kill by Lexi James

funny hopeful fast-paced


Penalty Kill
By Lexi James 

This is my first Lexi James read and my oh my, this book did not disappoint. Lexi's writing keeps you wanting more. 

Stella is the girl I will be rooting for like a cheerleader. I love her and the moment I knew I did was from the beginning of this read. The things she says, had me cackling. 
"And I like D__k too much to be a nun."
"If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I'm probably going to start quacking and try to suck his d__k." 

Every romance has a meet-cute moment that you can tell whether you'll love or dislike the read. As soon as Stella and Miles met, the chemistry was pouring from the pages. His POV made my heart melt. The only thing standing in-between these two is Stellas brother Rex, she's not allowed to date anyone from his hockey team. Guess who plays for his team... MILES! 

Years pass, and Stellas life is imploding. Living in a hotel at the moment with renovations going on in her apartment, she feels homeless, doesn't want to ask for help. Also her new bakery she wants to open in Nashville flooded!! While Rex and Miles had breakfast at her bakery, Miles went to help Stella bring in a delivery and noticed something wasn't right with her, he invited her to a beer and lunch. She opened up to Miles and without a second thought he told her, "Why don't you live with me" BUT that wasn't the biggest problem and when she told him about the bakery he said "When are WE leaving to Nashville!" 

Like HELLO Miles, without a doubt he jumped to rescue Stella. 
Wait.. bc if he doesn't sound like the ideal book boyfriend, his nickname for her is TROUBLE 🥰🥵

Where I'm going to leave this review is here.. bc I promise you, this read will have you swooning.. googly eyed and screaming for me.. 

Favorite quote is when Miles said, "I think you're going to be my undoing, Stell."