A review by readinggrrl
Frenemy of the People by Nora Olsen


I could try to pick this book apart like some other reviews but lets face it this book is geared toward a younger crowd then me and to be honest I don't really have much negative to say. I loved Lexie. I thought she was great. The story seemed to center more on Clarissa and her family and one complaint might be that I wish I would have known more about Lexie's family, but then again I think maybe Lexie would have liked to have known them better too. Clarissa's family was a mess but seemed to really pull it together in the end. I think it may have been harder in reality for someone to handle all that they were going through but sometimes we need happy endings.

There are pieces of the story that definitely were more of a wish then a reality but how many books don't have something like that in them...and doesn't that make it more fun to think you can do something and get away with it?

There were many different themes touched on in this book as well it doesn't just center around lgbt. It hit on standing up for yourself, mental health, siblings, teens who are differently challenged, the mortgage crisis, and a few others I may have missed. I just felt that overall it was well written, entertaining, and even a little bit informative.