A review by hawaiirican808
Ride with Zane by Adina D. Grey


Who would have thought that a MC/figure skater romance would be a thing and it actually worked? 

This whole book wasn't what I expected it to be and it was really refreshing to see an MC romance be written in a way that made it unique from others and a really enjoyable read. It was a quick read (got it read through within a few hours) and the only thing I hated was how quickly I got through it. I easily could have read another 100-200 pages of Adina's storytelling magic. Zane and Ashley were the true definition of opposites attract. Both being complete opposites, but once they got together, the sparks flew and their chemistry was off the charts. Great storyline, good plot twists and the side characters really gave the story more depth and only added to how much I loved it. I loved Adina's writing style and easily would read more by her in the future. If you want a quick-paced MC romance that will have you wanting more, this is the book for you! :)