A review by allegedly_miri
Wool Omnibus by Hugh Howey


A really amazing read. Finished it in three days as I couldn’t put the damn thing down. The characters are so well crafted, the story is completely unafraid to mess with the reader, and the world it creates is so rich that I would read hundreds more of these.

The ending was a little bit of an awkward finish, but I think given the scope and detail and pacing of the rest of the work, it was always going to be hard to tie it up in a bow. It left me wanting more, but felt a little like I was missing something still. Maybe that’s on me. I got so intrenched in it over the three days that I just wanted to know EVERYTHING about this world and what happened.

Anyway, this book is brilliant in so many ways, I’m so surprised it hasn’t become more widely read, as it surpasses some well-known tales in quality, scope, world building, and in constant twists and turns.

Will definitely be recommending this to everyone I can.