A review by mimirtells
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie


5/5 Stars (%90/100)

This was my first book by Sherman Alexie and I absolutely loved it. It was very different than what I used to read. I was, and still am, more interested in reading fantasy/sci-fi novels so this was quite a journey. The culture and history of the Native-American people are depicted perfectly. I was not very familiar with them as I only knew some myths and legends. I am really glad my professor made us read this book. (Actually we read only one short story from this book but since I really liked that, I decided to check the whole book.)

The short story that we read was called "A Drug Called Tradition." This is definitely my favourite story from the book. Thomas-Builds-the-Fire is a brilliant character in my opinion and he made me love the story even more. The story mostly deals with the idea of storytelling. Storytelling and oral culture is still extremely important in Indian culture. Thomas also reminds me of Junior in The Absolutely True.

Overall, it is a great book. After this one, I've read two more books by Alexie and loved those as well. He is definitely one of my favourite writers now. Simply genius.