A review by bailees_bookshelf
Becoming Calder by Mia Sheridan



"Morning Glory," I murmured, my lips lingering on her forehead for a moment. "Where do you find your strength?" "From you," she whispered.

Becoming Calder takes place in a cult in Arizona that is cut off from the world. This cult is run by a man, Hector, who believes and has convinced people that there will be a flood 2 months after our FMC, Eden, and him get married. Eden is groomed from around age 6 to be the perfect wife of her guardian. Calder, our MMC, and Eden become friends over the years, but aren't permitted to be around one another, because she is their "savior", and he's just a lowly worker. This is the first book in the duology.

GOD. This book was a trip. I was enraptured the moment I started it and it stayed that way until I finished. I knew I would like it because Mia Sheridan is a fantastic author who makes you feel all the feelings, but what I didn't expect was to be sobbing by the end. And, I mean snotting, tears wont stop, sobbing.

I felt so bad for Eden. She was secluded her entire life, told that she had to sacrifice her own happiness and wants for the "good of her people", and made to feel like she was some kind of fragile prize. When she started becoming friends with Calder, I loved every second of it. She wanted to learn absolutley everything, seeing as she wasn't allowed to be educated. She had so much character growth in this book.

Can we all take a minute to fan ourselves while I talk about Calder? Because wow, talk about a dream man. He was just such a genuinely good person. I'm all for a brooding grump, but Calder was a nice change of pace from the typical book boyfriends. He cared for everyone around him, and he quite literally protected Eden with his life multiple times. Reading about him coming to terms with the fact that life as he knew it his entire life was all a lie was so interesting.

I loved Calder and Eden's relationship. This is the kind of pairing that defeats all odds.

"It made me believe that even seemingly hopeless situations can work out in the end. Even when everything looks to be a mess--and you're not sure how or why or where to turn--that with love, everything will be okay, that we'll be okay."

I didn't realize this book was one of two, and now I'm kicking myself and have to wait until October 3rd when it's republished to finish Calder and Eden's story, but they'll be worth the wait. I knew Mia Sheridan was good, but... damn.

Thank you Bloom Books and Netgalley for sending me an eARC of Becoming Calder.