A review by booksinthemountains
The Universe Is Expanding and So Am I by Carolyn Mackler


I liked revisiting Virginia Shreves, I reread the first one in preparation: big mistake. If you read this, read it as a stand-alone its probably better. Or read it without rereading the original. But just read one (I vote the first one) because its essentially the same story (there are differences but the growth that the characters showed in the first one seem completely disgarded) and there are inconsistencies in the second book. For example, the first one takes place in 2005 when it was published, TRL was still on. Now we are in 2018 and the Fates and the Furies and Americanah have been published and netflix is a thing. I hated that, but I guess the author wanted to give young teenage girls today their own Virginia Shreves, so whatever. The book also has some errors in connecting the two: Anais went to Dartmouth in the first book, she went to Brown in this one. It's just annoying because the first was fresh in my mind.

The best part of this was Virginia and her commentary, I also liked watching her really fall in love with someone and explain the concept of falling out of like.

It was an okay reading experience, it was disappointing because I wanted more.