A review by emmareadscrime
The Spider by Lars Kepler


A sack with a decomposing body has been found tied to a tree in the forest. Soon after this, the police begin to receive complicated riddles from the killer, providing opportunities for them to stop the murders of future victims. Joona Linna and Saga Bauer struggle to solve the riddles and save further victims before it's too late.

Thank you Net Galley, Bonnier Books and Zaffre for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved the last book, The Mirror Man and I was so excited to read this this! This is the 9th Book in the series. Unfortunately I felt really let down by this! I’ve not read the first 7 books in this series. Unlike the mirror man, I felt I would have benefited and enjoyed this way more if I had read the other books.

I know this isn’t the books fault per se, but as the Mirror Man could be read much better as a stand alone, I was just caught off guard and left dissatisfied. I think I will have to read the whole series now and give this another chance- but it is going to be a very big commitment!