A review by petalpineink
Weyward by Emilia Hart


As a women in this world, this book both broke and healed my soul.

Alternating between the view of three young women - Altha, a woman accused of witchcraft in the 1600s, Violet, a women of the 1940s with a burning desire to be closer with nature, and Kate, a women of today escaping an abusive relationship - this story takes you on a journey to discover the strength of women despite the many faces of subjugation we have faced throughout time. The beautifully written imagery of this work will connect you to nature as you witness the heartbreak and rebuilt strength of these three women.

Emilia Hart has a stunning way with words, making you feel every moment of natural wonder of the world through her beautiful prose to the deep pain of what it means to be a woman in a often unforgiving patriarchal setting. With this novel, Emilia Hart has immediately become an automatic read for me with anything they publish in future.

If you’re looking for a beautifully written piece of fiction that will break you and heal you up stronger, with a touch of witchcraft, I highly recommended this book.

Thank you NetGalley for supplying me with an advanced reader copy of this book.

Trigger warnings: sexual assault, miscarriage, domestic abuse