A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Splinters of Scarlet by Emily Bain Murphy


Stupid me! I got this book in the Book Box Club, but I missed the buddy read because I forgot my book when I traveled to my parents. However, since the author chat is only in a few days I was back right in time to catch up and this morning in bed was the perfect time to do so. From the moment I got this book in my box I was quite excited about this story. It hadn't been on my radar, but it sounded like something for me.

And I was totally right about that! Although there are a few things I would have loved to see differently, or better said, I didn't feel as deeply as I had hoped I would feel it, I really enjoyed this read. It's firstly a fast and quick read. The language used isn't too complicated and even though the story is never rushed, on the contrary, it never feels too long either. Especially because all the build up eventually leads to an amazing finale.

Secondly, the book has a truly amazing magic system that really influences the characters and story. Even though we're never really explained the details, I really felt the author had really thought her magic through. I don't want to give too much away of course, but the whole idea that using magic literally means slowly dying leads to loads of amazing conflicts and situations. The author could easily write more books set in this world, because there are loads more stories to tell!

The aspect I would have liked to see more of, however, are the characters. Of course we get to meet the main character, Marit, and spend a lot of time in her head. She's easy to like and therefore it's also quite easy to root for her and to want her to be happy. However, through her eyes we only get glimpses of the other characters. I somehow feel we didn't get to know them that deep. I also would have loved more chapters with Philippe. He was so interesting and I understand his chapters were just to make us wiser than Marit, but I wouldn't have been against spending some more time in his head! It would have made the ending even more emotional!