A review by kristinreadsall
The Life and Death of Rose Doucette by Harry Hunsicker


Firstly, I just want to give a thank you to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book prior to its release in October of 2024.

The Life and Death of Rose Doucette is a difficult-to-put-down, page-turning read.
Set in and around Dallas, Texas, Private Investigator Dylan Fisher is invited by his ex-wife, Sergeant Rose Doucette, to meet at a hotel. Unbeknownst to either of them, life was about to pull a dirty stop and take off bucking.
Author Harry Hunsicker did a phenomenal job at keeping my attention while not being overwhelming, making this book perfectly paced with twists and turns happening the whole way through.
Having lived in Dallas for many years, I really appreciate the vivid picture that the author paints with his words. I was able to picture exactly where Dylan was standing to the point I would wonder "What movie was that from?" when I wasn't reading this book.

Overall, it was a really good read that I knocked out over the course of two days, and I can't wait to read more by Harry Hunsicker!