A review by peneloperea
Accidental SEAL by Sharon Hamilton


This didn't work for me at all. I was over the characters after the 1st few pages. The female MC couldn't decide if she was a tough girl or a cry baby. She was either crying or "being" tough through the entire story. I hate to admit this, but I started skipping over her chapters about a 1/3 of the way through.

The male MC, a Seal, which would generally be hot was NOT. I have no clue why he was so important? The entire story he's trying to get this BFF back and yet some how the MC is the one they want? WHAT? The Seal Team...very confusing.

There were so many excess words throughout this book and some of the descriptions were so over the top that I found myself rolling my eyes more often than not.

We know the bad guys from the moment they are introduced and for some even before that. The character of Mia, was she good or bad and how messed up that this girl gets kidnapped and when they get her back she never seems concerned that the same people of her brother.

I don't know, I could go on but that seems rude so I will just say, no thank you.