A review by taschima
Spider-Verse by Dan Slott


I am a big spider-man fan. Recently I started reading comics, last year in fact, and with Spider-Man I choose to start his story with the [b:Spider-Man: Big Time Ultimate Collection|13528772|Spider-Man Big Time Ultimate Collection|Dan Slott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1342539306s/13528772.jpg|19089503] story line, right before [b:The Superior Spider-Man #1|17231672|The Superior Spider-Man #1|Dan Slott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1359894521s/17231672.jpg|23747558] (which I also devoured). I am glad I read both these stories before diving into Spider-Verse as it gave me a lot of context I would have otherwise missed on. I was very excited for the Spider-Verse event. All the spider-man's coming together to kick evil butt! Spider-Gwen! Spider-Bacon (pig spider-man), Punk Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, etc!

It is a lot. And it definitely feels like a lot. I both enjoyed this event and was bored at parts with it. There are just so many different spider stories, some much more entertaining than others. I felt when it came to the side stories I was bored, but when we dealt with the main story line I was all on board.

Some of the side stories I enjoyed:

Lady Spider- Steampunk spider-Lady breaking tradition and kicking ass.
Punk Spider Man- I thought this story very relevant to today's political landscape, almost too relevant. A political figure wanting to make the country "great-again", takes complete control of the government/media, eventually being taken down by the punk spider and the freedom fighters.
Miles and Young Spider Man- Oh my, this team is too cute. They team up to find other spiders throughout the dimensions, and their adventure is just silly and heart warming when compared to the rest of the chaos, a nice change.

For the main Amazing Spider-Man story line: best part of the book other than Spider-Woman's arc. I love the part where Peter finds Cindy Moon in her bunker, and I came to love Cindy Moon as well. I feel like she is a deeply flawed character, but that comes from spending most of your life in a bunker. I feel like she is in a perfect position for character growth, she is reckless, thinks she can do things on her own, and most of the time makes plans go south. Her connection with Earth-616's Peter Parker is also something I really want to see developed and explored further. Yes I enjoyed their sexual attraction, and thought it a good distraction from the main flame: MJ. Actually, little to no MJ here, which I was okay with. Don't get me wrong, I love MJ, but something new never hurt anyone.

There was also Spider-Woman's ARC. She is such a bad-ass, and hopefully she will become Cindy's mentor, because she is someone you look up to. I am actually familiar with some of Spider-Woman's past, but I felt like you need not read past Spider-Woman comics in order to get it. She is an ex Hydra agent, an ex SWORD agent, and a current Avenger. She takes on the most personal and dangerous missions and always comes up on top. I can't wait to read more of her.

Spider-Gwen: I feel like she is a bit hyped up? I REALLY wanted to like her (love Emma Stone's Gwen) I have read some of her comics previous to this, and I felt like she was hyped up even then. Yes her costume is definitely one of the coolest, but otherwise she is just a normal "too cool for school" teenage girl. I wish she had character flaws, a personality, right now she feels quite blank. Cindy is kind of annoying, but you know she has a good heart and she can grow.

The Scarlet Spiders! I liked this story line, specially how much they sacrificed. The Scarlet Spiders is a team made up of just spider-men clones. Second best, carbon copies of their Earth's main Spider-Man. But they feel anything but, they actually make it possible for the good guys to triumph in the end, and their comradery keeps you glued to the page, interested in what they have to do.

One of the things I did not get is why they called Cindy the "bride" totem, was that explained? Did I miss something? Also why are the inheritors so hell bent on ruining their food supply? They like to eat spiders, why would they want to make them extinct? Again, did I miss something? It just seems like the Inheritors woke up bored one day and decided to go hunt one specific species to extinction. They are already rulers of the multi verse, so what the heck?

If you are able to look past this one huge pot hole, I think you'll enjoy the Spider-Verse event. Just, be ready for a lot of stories that just take up page count, otherwise you are golden.