A review by xjackyx
Four Weeks, Five People by Jennifer Yu


I really loved this story. It's about five teens with various mental disorders that go to "crazy-people-camp".

The perspective the story is told from switches with every chapter.
Every character has a distinct personality and a unique style of speaking and thinking. I always knew who's chapter I was in even without looking at the chapter's title. I loved to see the events unfold from the perspective of every one of the characters and I could connect with all of them. (Well, except maybe for Mason. But I think that was kind of the point.) The different mental disorders were very well portrayed, as were the counselors/therapists.

There were quite some funny bits, e.g. "They haven't learned that expecting straight answers out of therapists is like standing in the middle of the Sahara with an empty bucket and waiting for rain."

There is a bit of a romance going on in the middle but it wasn't nearly as bad or cringe-worthy as I feared it would be.

The ending was super sad and uplifting at once and had me in tears the whole time.
I really want to know what happens to everyone (including Mason) after the camp, but especially Andrew. I want to know whether he gets better and whether his band makes it and becomes a success.

Favorite quote:
"'People like me'?" he says. "What does that even mean? Depressed people? People who have emotions? People who do stupid things? People like us, Ben. Now shut up and drink water."